Saturday, April 29, 2006


Prodigal - Rashly or wastefully extravagant; a prodigal life.
Aspersions - An unfavorable or damaging remark; slander.

Everything is a matter of perspective. A ten-year-old’s summer in the cotton country of West Tennessee was ninety repetitions of the same day. Days stretched the length of the hot blacktop highway from Keeling to Brownsville where all of my friends lived. Friends I talked to on the phone and tried to conjure up like the shimmering mirages that danced on the same hot asphalt. Ninety days is a long time when you have lived 3650.

I have lived 16,940 days now. Ninety is small, oh, so very tiny. Why, I’ve probably spent the equivalent of ninety days plucking my eyebrows. One day, I put my daughter’s new first grade picture in a frame with twelve spaces. That afternoon it was filled and she was off to Austin to college. In about ninety days she will graduate and begin grad school soon after to make a good life from her own perspective.

Prodigal - Giving or given in abundance; lavish or profuse.
Aspersions - A sprinkling, especially with holy water.

Sometimes time brings a different perspective, a second look, an alternate meaning.

Lavish blessings on you and yours.


  1. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Cynthia, Great Stuff!

    Fix your typo... "Apersions" look at your definitions and then scroll down. Its in at least a couple of places.

  2. Thanks, annnnnonymous. Heh Heh.


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