Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Write, Eat, Post, Bathe: Cyn's Words

Over the last year, with all the diagnoses and not being able to walk and all, I have let myself go.

Yes, I gained weight, but that was mostly the "not being able to walk" and the prednisone. Physical therapy will take care of that. I am not worried about my physical presence. I will push through all that like I pressed through the pain.

I have let myself go in a different way. Maybe more than one.

I have let myself go when I write for school and put extraordinary effort and attention into it. I am bold enough to say that I write very well for school. I could show you some papers that would make you weep with joy, if reading about Faulkner, Beowulf, or Fleckenstein is your thing. I have made it my thing. I write and research and read.

There, now. That's another thing. I read you and don't write me. I wrote a poem about that once. Now, I just read other people's poems and write lovely papers about them. And it makes me sad sometimes. I love school, and as I always say, I am there on purpose. But I miss writing for me.

So, I am letting myself go in a different way. I am writing for me, too. I am giving just as much weight to the things that come only from the prompting inside my head as I give to school assignments.

And if that means that I need someone to be waiting for the work to help me along, then I have that as well. I am making myself accountable to my writing group. We are a group of friends who have been together online for so many years I can't quite remember. Some of these women I know so intimately that I can't imagine we haven't ever met in person. Some, I know only tangentially, a kind of over-the-shoulder relationship with the friendship they have with each other.

We are called Write, Eat, Post, Bathe. That's all I am going to have time for when school starts back, and I am writing that book of short stories, and I am still going to physical therapy.

So, I am keeping up with this blog for personal stuff like this post. And I still have Dead Daddy for the recovery poetry. But now, I am getting together another one. (Can you stand it?) And you shall have writing, my friends, from inside my own head.

Let's go.


  1. ~buckles seatbelt~

    I'm ready! Let's go!

    I live with an occassional prednisone junkie. That stuff is bad, bad news. The cure is almost worse than the disease. Almost.

    Glad the physical therapy is going to work.
    Can't wait to see where this goes.

  2. Sounds like you're going to be busy...look forward to reading some of your writing!

  3. I am glad to be in this with you. I am ready to read you.

  4. Yay, yay and more yay.

    Can I give you a big hug?

  5. Anonymous11:52 AM

    *insert GIANT smiley face here*

  6. Ok, the link to the new blog is active on the sidebar. A Thousand Wonders. And, yes, hugs are welcome. Read me, Mindy. Prednisone is evil...and seductive.

  7. I love this!! I am so happy for and about our little group!

    I am SO glad to hear that hugs are welcome, because I feel like if I ever meet you I will have to hug you!

  8. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Oh, this is wonderful news indeed.

  9. I Love Dead Daddy.... that's the best...

  10. it didn't post my other comment.... oh gosh.... anyway,... looking forward to all of it..... and forward we al we go.


Feel free to critique the poetry. I employ a sophisticated thick hide technology.